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#'Olelo No'eau 105
ʻŌlelo Noʻeau : Hawaiian proverbs & poetical sayings - image of the book cover which links to the physical locations of the book in Leeward Community College's library

ʻŌlelo Noʻeau : Hawaiian proverbs & poetical sayings


Alahula Puʻuloa, he alahele na Kaʻahupāhau

(#ʻŌN 105)


Everywhere in Puʻuloa is the trail of Kaʻahupāhau

(#ʻŌN 105)


Said of a person who goes everywhere, looking, peering, seeing all, or of a person familiar with every nook and corner of a place. Kaʻahupāhau is the shark goddess of Puʻuloa who guarded the people from being molested by sharks. She moved about, constantly watching