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Library Renovation Project: Overview

The library (2nd & 3rd floors of the Learning Commons building) will undergo a major renovation project until the spring of 2026.

Project Overview

Most of the work will occur on the 3rd floor. The renovation will involve:

  • Replacing the roof and 3rd floor exterior windows
  • Reconfiguring interior spaces on the 3rd floor
  • Upgrading electrical, plumbing, and data infrastructure
  • Installing fire sprinklers on both floors
  • Renovating restrooms on both floors

Specific improvements include improving access to the 3rd floor by opening up the stairwells, improving lighting on the 3rd floor, improving soundproofing, building new group study rooms on the 3rd floor, improving staff offices, building an archives facility, and ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi signage.

Impacts to Services and Resources

The 3rd floor will be closed from the Fall 2024 semester until completion of the project. Select library materials have been relocated to the 2nd floor. The bulk of the library's collections has been put in storage and will be unavailable for the duration of the project. All e-book collections will remain available. The DVD collection will remain available.

Limited study space will be available on the 2nd floor. The Kapunawai Room is designated as a quiet study area.

All library services, other than in-library information literacy instruction sessions, will remain available.

Tutoring and Writing Center services will not be affected, outside of the fire sprinkler installation in the summer of 2025.

What's New?

Due to ongoing work to dismantle and remove bookshelves and furniture, the third floor will be closed during the fall semester. (Added August 22, 2024)

Stored books from our third floor collections have been hidden in our online library catalog, as they are unavailable while packed away during the renovation. (July 31, 2024)

The General, Reference, Hawaiʻi-Pacific, and Juvenile collections have been packed for storage. (Updated August 22, 2024)

Books selected from our General and Hawaii-Pacific collections have been moved to the main level of the Learning Commons. These books will be visible in the library catalog. (Updated July 31, 2024) 

Thank You!

Our deepest gratitude to everyone who have so generously helped us pack our books for storage during the renovation!

  • Garrett Chaves
  • Pi'ikea Hardy-Kahaleoumi
  • Shari Imanaka
  • Rachael Inake
  • Kelly Kennedy
  • Joy Lane
  • Melinda Lee
  • Meredith Lee
  • Lori Lum
  • Susan Lum
  • Nikki Manuel
  • Michael Oishi
  • Lilian Rebamonte-Smith
  • Brandi Reyes
  • Leanne Riseley
  • Erin Thompson
  • Jennifer Wharton
  • Tasha Williams Moses

Informational Presentation

Additional details are in this slide presentation that was shared with the campus community. You have to be logged in with a UH Google account to view the slides.


May 2024
Award of contract
Summer 2024
  • Select print materials to keep available during construction.
  • Pack bulk of collections for storage
Fall 2024
  • Remove book shelving.
  • Relocate/store furniture
  • Relocate staff to alternate office space
Library vacates the 3rd floor by December 20
December 2024
Construction begins
July 2025
2nd floor closes for fire sprinkler installation
August 2025
2nd floor reopens
March 2026
Staff, furniture, collections move back into renovated spaces
Timeline updated August 12, 2024