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Library Services: Teaching & Classroom Support for Faculty

Library Instruction & Orientation

The library conducts instruction sessions to introduce students to various aspects of library services, resources, and research techniques. These range from brief library tours and demonstrations; to more inclusive sessions that last for part of, or all of, a class session; to multiple class visits or other forms of long-term interaction with your students. Librarians can work with you to tailor a presentation to the needs of your students. Presentations can be conducted in the library, in your classroom, or in a computer lab. Please contact the librarian serving your subject area to arrange for a library presentation.

Course Reserves

For information on placing library or personally-owned items on reserve, please see the faculty information section of the Course Reserves guide.

Contact Librarian Subject Liaison

Subject Librarian
Art/Photography Jue Wang
Asian Studies Jue Wang
Jue Wang
Hawaiian/Pacific Studies Not assigned
History Wayde Oshiro
Literature Jue Wang
Music Jue Wang
Philosophy Wayde Oshiro
Religion Wayde Oshiro

Staff directory with contact info here

Subject Librarian
Accounting Junie Hayashi
Business Junie Hayashi
E-Commerce Junie Hayashi
Finance Junie Hayashi
Law Junie Hayashi
Management Junie Hayashi
Music Jue Wang
Marketing Junie Hayashi
Office Administration Junie Hayashi
Travel Industry Management Junie Hayashi
Subject Librarian
Communications Junie Hayashi
Eastern Asian Languages Jue Wang
ESL Junie Hayashi
European Languages Natalie Wahl
Journalism Natalie Wahl
Linguistics Natalie Wahl
Reading-English Natalie Wahl
Speech Junie Hayashi
Writing-English Natalie Wahl
Subject Librarian
Agriculture Ralph Toyama
Biology Ralph Toyama
Chemistry Jue Wang
Computer Science/Digital Media Jue Wang
Engineering Ralph Toyama
Geology Jue Wang
Health Jue Wang
Math Jue Wang
Nursing Ralph Toyama
Oceanography Ralph Toyama
Physics Jue Wang
Science Ralph Toyama
Zoology Ralph Toyama
Subject Librarian
Anthropology Natalie Wahl
Economics Junie Hayashi
Education Natalie Wahl
Geography Junie Hayashi
Political Science Junie Hayashi
Psychology Junie Hayashi
Social Sciences Junie Hayashi
Sociology Junie Hayashi
Women's Studies Junie Hayashi
Subject Librarian
Automotive Technology Junie Hayashi
Baking Junie Hayashi
Culinary Arts Junie Hayashi
TV Production Junie Hayashi

List of Library Request Forms (Faculty only)

Book/ Periodical/ AV Purchase Request (for the Library's Collections)
Complete this form to suggest that the Library purchase a certain book for its collections. Keep in mind that purchase is not guaranteed, but we will definitely contact you regarding the status of your request.
Course Reserves Request (print books)
To request that your personal copy of an item OR the Library's copy of an item be placed on Course Reserve, submit this form. You must fill out one form for each title you wish place on Course Reserve. Once the form has been submitted and the Library is in possession of the item, it will be processed within 24 hours.
Library Exhibit Submission & Release Form
Roger Kwok next to his display of mineralsAre you interested in setting up a display or an exhibit at the front entrance of the Learning Commons? Fill out this form, and we will contact you in 2 - 3 business days to respond to your request.
Kapunawai Usage Request
Complete this form to request usage of Kapunawai: The Hawaiʻi-Pacific Resource Room.  "Kapunawai" translates to "spring, well, fountain," and these ideas guide the purpose and function for this space. Kapunawai is a spring of inspiration, a well of resources, and a fountain of knowledge.