If you have a UH login, you can use the university's VPN (Virtual Private Network) service, which allows you establish a secure connection to the UH network. The VPN might get around network problems that block you from accessing our databases. The kind of situations where the VPN might be useful include 1) being outside of Hawaiʻi, and 2) using a network behind a firewall or router that restricts some types of outbound connections.
Login with your UH username to view setup instructions for the UH VPN.
It can be tricky and tedious to set up on your computer, because the procedure varies for different computers and devices, and you may have to install software. But once set up, VPN is easy to use. For assistance, contact the ITS Help Desk at 808-956-8883 or toll-free from the neighbor islands at 800-558-2669, or by email at help@hawaii.edu.
If none of the situations listed above describe or solve your problem, please let us know so we can try to fix it. Fill out the form below, or contact us at LCCREF@HAWAII.EDU or 808-455-0379.
Screen images of error messages can be very helpful to us in diagnosing your problem. E-mail them to LCCREF@HAWAII.EDU.