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ENG 100: English Composition I (Chang) : Home

Research a Letter to Your Senator/Governor

For this essay, you will need to incorporate at least seven sources, including the following information types:

  • Book/eBook
  • Newspaper article
  • Scholarly journal article
  • Film/documentary
  • PLUS three additional sources (or more as needed!)

On this guide, you will find information and direct links for finding library books/eBooks, news and scholarly articles, films, and more. Please make a one-on-one appointment with a librarian for additional help!

Finding Books & eBooks

Primo is a tool for finding bookseBooks, and media in the library. 

Print books will have a call number. The call number tells you what the subject of the book is and where it is located in the physical library space.

EBooks are available online and will link you to a database containing books.


Keywords make or break your search results. Here are a couple tips:

  • Keep it simple, search the most important terms, add additional words to narrow results
  • Consider synonymous terms (eg. children, adolescents, juveniles, kids, or keiki)


Search for books and other materials in the library collection, as well as articles, e‑books, and videos from the library's research databases.

Or go directly to Primo Search for more options.

Finding Newspaper Articles

ProQuest News & Newspapers includes local news publications (start here!):

Additional news resources:

Finding Scholarly Articles

Research databases contain articles from magazines, scholarly journals, and trade journals.

For databases specific to the environment & sustainability: 

Finding Films

Leeward students have access to the following film databases:

  • Academic Video Online more than 64,000 videos covering a wide range of subject areas
  • Kanopy on-demand video streaming service with access to thousands of films

Finding (Good) Websites

The following websites are full of credible, useful information:

Letter to Representative Research Activity

The attached activity will help you research your topic to find history and context from a good book, current info from newspapers, and research data from reputable websites.