You can browse our ESL collection to find books that meet your level of English proficiency. The books in our ESL collection are grouped according to their level of difficulty. The topics of ESL leveled books are varied and they comprise both fiction and non fiction works, including classics adapted to meet the various levels of English proficiency of ESL learners.
If you would like to browse our ESL collection online you may do so by searching for "ESL" as "call number" on PrimoSearch, our library catalog.
The following are just a few of the many titles in our ESL collection:
The following books are in the Leeward CC library General print collection:
The following ebooks are available from our library's electronic collections. Click on the book covers or titles and then to the Leeward CC Full Text links to start reading.
Capstone Interactive Library provides access to online books to improve reading fluency and vocabulary. You may search books by reading level, interest level and lexile range. These online books can be played with audio to help you improve your listening and pronunciation skills.
Common Errors in English Usage by Paul Brians
This is the online version of Paul Brians third edition of the book Common Errors in English Usage, also available in fully formatted electronic book versions.
Dave's ESL cafe by Dave Sperling
This portal provides resources useful both for ESL students and teachers. For students, it includes grammar lessons, idioms, quizzes, slang info, a glossary of phrasal verbs, a forum and more. For teachers, the site provides tips for improving ESL lessons, discussion fora and job search resources.
Purdue Owl Online Writing Lab : English as a Second Language
This section of the Purdue University Purdue Owl Writing Lab includes resources to help ESL students become competent writers and to assist teachers with the development of writing instruction materials.
The following books to improve English writing are in our print collections:
The following ebooks are available from our library's electronic collections. Click on the book covers or titles and then to the Leeward CC Full Text links to start reading. If you would like to find more electronic resources to improve your English you may search PrimoSearch, our library catalog,