Visit our Kapunawai room to play games from all around the world, color and doodle to your heart's content, or just breathe in some essential oils to relax and get your mind in the right place!
While supplies last: If you're using in-person services at the Learning Commons (Library, LRC, & Writing Center), we'll provide study snacks to keep you focused!
Supplies for Leeward students are provided by ASUH - Leeward CC. Valid ID and current registration required.
Librarians are here to help you with:
Reviewing citation style guides
Book an appointment or contact us via chat, phone, or email!
Schedule an appointment for an online consultation with a librarian from the Pearl City Campus or the Waiʻanae Moku Education Center.
Online chat is available during reference desk hours. Start chatting by clicking on the Chat with a Librarian tab (right side of the screen).
Contact us by phone: 808-455-0379
Feel free to email us during or after desk hours: