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GEOG 151: Geography and Contemporary Society: Academic/Credible Sources


The information and links can help you find resources that will help you with your research assignments. Often your professor will require you to find scholarly or academic resources. These resources are written by experts in a particular field and often have been reviewed and published in a scholarly journal. Search engines like Google or Yahoo are not very helpful in finding academic or scholarly research resources. Use the tools below to find better resources.

Find Company Information

To obtain information about a particular company or organization, use Business Source Complete in EBCOhost or ABI/INFORM. You can either search for "company profile" (include quotation marks) and the name of the company or organization, for example "company profile" and "Gap Inc" to find information about the Gap clothing corporation. Remember that many companies have common names, and you need to find out the actual company name in order to meaningful results. For example, instead of "the Gap" use "Gap Inc" or instead of "Apple" use "Apple Inc" for your searches.

Research Databases

To obtain general information about outsourcing, use one of the following databases.

General geography-related websites