If you want to send or post a link to an article, e-book, or streaming video from one of our research databases (or to the database itself), you usually can't just copy the URL that appears in your browser's address bar. That URL is often uniquely generated for that particular search session and/or will not work from off-campus.
Most databases will provide you with a stable URL (also called a document URL, permanent link, share link, or something similar) that can be used to access the article. Instructions for finding the stable URL are in the sections below.
For many databases, links need to contain "lccproxy.lib.hawaii.edu" in the first part to work from off-campus. This can take for form of:
Some databases automatically add the prefix to the stable URL. Some databases show the stable URL as containing the string when viewed from off-campus. If neither is the case, you may need to manually add the proxy prefix in front of the stable URL.
The exceptions are Dictionary of Literary Biography, Kanopy, New York Times, Opposing Viewpoints, OverDrive, and Swank. For these, use the stable URL as given.
To create a link to a book from Ebook Central, get the stable URL by clicking on Share Link to Book on the left side of the screen.
Then add the prefix (shown below in red) in front of the URL (shown in green).
When you send out an article link or put it into your webpage, use the whole thing as your URL.
What Happens When You Follow the Link?
Someone who is on campus will go directly to the article, e-book, or video. Someone who is off-campus will have to log in with their UH username and password before getting to the article, e-book, or video.
The special Laulima prefix (https://laulima.hawaii.edu/libproxy/lee/?) is not working. Please use the regular proxy prefix as described above.
Links that you have already created using our old prefixes, http://lccproxy.lib.hawaii.edu:2048/login?url= or https://lccproxy.lib.hawaii.edu:2443/login?url=, will continue to work for proxying purposes. But we do recommend updating them to our current prefix as you are able to, because we've found that some networks that have especially strict security settings will block connections to URLs with special port numbers like 2048 and 2443.
If you have embedded a streaming video player in a Laulima page using the old "2048" prefix, you must replace the prefix. See the Linking in Laulima tab of this guide for the correct prefix
We do not recommend embedding video players from the library's subscription video streaming services in online platforms other than Laulima. Because of how the different web browsers now handle such content, the video might not play for off-campus viewers, and if it doesn't, might not provide a method for logging in to the proxy server.
Embedding videos in Laulima still works because you have to log in to Laulima, and that seems to circumvent the problem.
You will need to be viewing an individual article or article record to follow these instructions.
You will need to be viewing an individual article or article record to follow these instructions.
Some databases may show a different stable URL when the record is viewed while off campus than while on campus – specifically, the website address will take the form x-y-z.lccproxy.lib.hawaii.edu instead of x.y.z. These off-campus URLs will work. You do not have to add the proxy prefix if the retrieved stable URL contains the "lccproxy" string.