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OER Summer 2021 Workshop: Summer 2021 - Adapting OER in Support of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Adapting OER in Support of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Adapting OER in Support of Equity, Diversity, and InclusionJune 1 and 3, 2021

Leeward Community College
Workshop Facilitators
Junie Hayashi
OER Librarian  (
Wayde Oshiro
Interim Learning Commons & Library Coordinator (
Jason Yamashita 
OER Librarian (

Workshop Details and At-Home Assignments

Welcome! This workshop is designed for instructors who have a foundational knowledge of OER, including an understanding of how Creative Commons licenses work. One of the advantages of OER is that the content can be remixed with existing and original content to create customized learning materials. Intentionally designed materials can support equity, diversity, and inclusion efforts in the classroom and align with larger institutional initiatives.

Daily Schedule (10:00 am - 12:00 pm)

  • Wednesday, 6/1, "The potential of OERs to support EDI initiatives"
  • Friday, 6/3, "Understanding practices for adapting OERs"

Note: Zoom meeting details will be sent to participants via email.


At-home readings, videos, discussion posts, and other activities will be assigned and are to be completed before each session. The synchronous sessions will consist of brief presentations, guided discussions, and small group activities. 

Attendance at the synchronous sessions is required. Sessions will not be recorded.

A final deliverable in the form of an action plan proposal will be due by June 14, 2021

Workshop Objectives

  1. Define open education, including its core benefits, challenges, and potential.
  2. Define equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI)
  3. Understand how OERs can support equity, diversity, and inclusion
  4. Evaluate textbook and course materials through an EDI lens
  5. Identify repositories of CC-licensed resources that support EDI
  6. Understand the difference between adaptation and remixing of CC-licensed works
  7. Create a proper attribution when reusing CC-licensed works
  8. Adding a CC license to an original or remixed work
  9. Identify ways to create a more equitable, diverse, and inclusive learning experience through the use of OERs



Workshop Community Guidelines

Please read: Group Collaborative Learning Agreements - Equity and Open Education


  1. Consider your own identities
  2. Be curious & mindful
  3. Stay engaged
  4. Respect the expertise of lived experience
  5. Experience discomfort 
  6. Mind your reactions
  7. Expect and accept non-closure
  8. Confidentiality



Graphic by Gerd Altmann on Pixabay

Activity 1 - Post an Introduction

We will start with an ice-breaker in Slack [New Window]. The ice-breaker intends to foster sharing and openness, hoping that this will lead to interacting and bonding with your fellow participants. This is an important part of the overall workshop experience because we will be learning with and from each other. 

1. Join our Slack Workspace

You should have received an email from Junie Hayashi inviting you to join the OER and EDI workspace [New Window]. Please be sure you accept the invitation to Join Now. Once you select Join Now, you will be on the Slack platform.
  • Enter your Full name, Display name, and create a password.
Once you are in the OER and EDI workspace, please personalize your profile (upload a profile photo, add any pertinent information you would like to share).

2. Introduction Posting

Go to Channels and select #1-introduction [New Window]. Start your introductory post. To add text and a photo, type your introduction in the message box and select the paperclip to add your photo. 

By selecting "Return" or "Enter," you will be uploading your post. If you wish to edit your post, please mouse over your post until you see an icon menu.

 Slack post menu

Select the last icon circled in red, and select "Edit message" to edit your post.

Helpful tip: To start a new line or paragraph in your post, press Shift and Enter.
Please include the following in your post:
  1. Post a photo or graphic that represents your understanding or definition of "EQUITY."
  2. Next, introduce and share a little about yourself.
  3. Share your motivation for taking this workshop.

Readings and Videos (complete by Tuesday, 6/1/21)

What is Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion?

Watch "Diversity-Inclusion-Equity: What's the difference?" and "Equity and Equality" videos

Diversity-Inclusion-Equity: What's the difference? by Online Network of Educators is CC BY 3.0

Equity and Equality by Susan K. Gardner is © 2019


Read the following 2 pages:

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion [New Window] from the Open Education Network's Open Textbook Publishing Orientation

Diversity and Inclusion [New Window] from The OER Starter Kit by Abbey Elder


Watch video webinar: time 2:45 - 50:00

alt="Webinar cover image"

Employing Equity-minded and Culturally Affirming Teaching & Learning Practices to Advance Institutional Equity by Open Education Global is CC BY 4.0


Read selected blog posts

"Equity & Openness: Perspectives from North American colleges and universities" [New Window] is a timely collection of blog posts organized through the Community College Consortium for OER (CCCOER) and focused on a variety of EDI topics and themes.

Using the Table of Contents, please read the following blog posts:

Activity 2 - An Activity in Self-Reflection

Participate in the Privilege Walk Activity


"Sometimes we don't notice privileges because they're so ingrained in our culture. We are confronted on a daily basis with cultural and social norms that may be related to a certain groups' privilege. We are also confronted with marginalized communities and perspectives that deserve to have a voice. Understanding and acknowledging privileges is key to understanding why and how we react and perceive our surroundings."     - from Taking steps toward greater inclusivity [New Window]


Follow the instructions provided on the Privilege Walk Activity [Google Doc]

When you complete this activity, you will have a final count number. Please bring this number to Session 1.

Activity 3 - Post Responses

Write a reflection to each of the following Slack channels:

Checklist - Due by Tuesday 6/1/21


Session 1 Slides (6/1/21)

alt="Session 1 slide deck"


Watch this optional video for a review of CC license permissions. 

Creative Commons Kiwi is by plccanz is CC BY 3.0

For more review (optional), view this slide show presentation on Creative Commons Licenses [New Window]


Please watch this video in which faculty participants in the Open for Antiracism (OFAR) pilot program [New Window] share their experiences with changing their courses to be antiracist using OER. The disciplines represented in this video include Business, Chemistry, Counseling, English, History, Psychology, and Social Work.

Open for AntiRacism Faculty Showcases by Open Education Global is CC BY 4.0


Please also watch this video of Tara Robertson's OpenCon 2017 panel presentation. Robertson shares her experiences co-creating the BCcampus Open Education's Accessibility Toolkit [New Window] and her professional and personal concerns about diversity and inclusion.

Who is Missing? by Tara Robertson is CC BY 3.0


This optional video showcases three faculty who took different approaches to adopt more inclusive teaching practices through the use of OER and open pedagogical practices. The disciplines represented in this video are Anthropology, Human Biology, and the Humanities. 

Faculty Showcase: Inclusive Open Course Design and Materials by Open Education Global is CC BY 4.0


  • First-Generation Equity Practitioners: Are They Part of the Problem? [New Window] by Estela Mara Bensimon & James Gray (Note: You should be able to freely access the full article on this web page. Please avoid using the DOI link on the article's cover page.)
  • Culturally Responsive Teaching: A Reflection Guide [New Window] by New America

Optional reading:

  • Pages 5-17 of Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for OER [New Window] from the Program on Information Justice and Intellectual Property (American University's Washington College of Law)

Activity 1

Reflection Question

In the video "Who is Missing?" Tara Robertson ends her presentation with three questions for the audience: "Whose voice is missing? Whose voice are we leaving out? and How do we change the way we work to really include diverse voices?" As an educator, what is your response to these questions?

Post your response to the Slack OER and EDI #4-reflection-response channel [New Window].

Activity 2 - Workshop Deliverable (Due by Monday, June 14)

Make a copy of the EDI Action Plan for OER template [Google Doc] to use for your final deliverable.

For session 2 on Thursday, 6/3, work on the Action Plan sections 1-2.

Session 2 Slides (6/3/21)

alt="Session 2 slide deck"

Activity - A Final Reflection


Post to the Slack OER and EDI #5-final-reflection [New Window] channel your reflection on the following:

Respond to What? So What? Now What?


What happened? What did you learn? What did you expect and what was different?

So What? 

Why does it matter? To you? To your students? To the college? To society as a whole? How might equity, diversity, and inclusion influence your use of OER? 

What Next? 

Now what? How will you address inequities in higher education?

Photo by Ralf Kunze on Pixabay

Workshop Deliverable (Due by Monday, June 14)

Complete your EDI Action Plan for OER to use for your final deliverable. Action plan template [Google Doc

Please submit your EDI Action Plan for OER by sharing your Google Doc with the facilitators:

  • Junie Hayashi -
  • Wayde Oshiro -
  • Jason Yamashita -

Please provide "Commenter" access if you would like feedback.

Adapting OER in Support of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Survey

Please take a few minutes to complete our survey. Your feedback is greatly appreciated!

Recommended Resources

Accessibility Practices

An overview of best practices for developing accessible OER from BCcampus.

How to Create Inclusive & Accessible OER by Josie Gray is CC BY

  • How to Create Inclusive & Accessible OER presentation slides and accessibility resources [New Window].
  • BCcampus Accessibility Toolkit 2nd Edition [New Window]. A concise guide to accessibility and Universal Design principles and best practices.

EDI and Antiracism Resources

  • The Anti-Racist Discussion Pedagogy [New Window] - "How to build an anti-racist pedagogy in any discipline through instructor reflection, clear communication guidelines, and inquiry-based discussion."
  • From Equity Talk To Equity Walk by Tia Brown-McNair, Estela Bensimon, and Lindsey Malcom-Piqueux. This book is available to all UH System faculty, staff, and students via Proquest Ebook Central. [New Window]
  • Wakelet with a list of EDI resources [New Window] including guides and repositories compiled by Jason Yamashita, Leeward CC OER Librarian. 

Fair Use and OER

Best Practices in Fair Use for OER: Opening Up Publishing, Practice and Policies by Open Education Network is CC BY

  • Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Open Educational Resources [New Window] - Outlines four principles for incorporating third-party sources into OER along with considerations.

Open Pedagogy Examples

  • DOERS Fellows Renewable Assignments [New Window] - Examples by DOERS Fellows.
  • Defining OER-Enabled Pedagogy by David Wiley and John Hilton [New Window]
  • Open for Antiracism (OFAR) Faculty Showcases [New Window] - CCCOER webinar showcasing 8 faculty participants in the Open for Antiracism (OFAR) faculty cohort [New Window] in Spring 2021. 
  • Open Pedagogy Approaches: Faculty, Library, and Student Collaborations [New Window] - Presents various models including textbook replacement, open student projects, and open course design.
  • Open Pedagogy Notebook [New Window] - A platform for community building and sharing. Includes a blog for sharing ideas and projects.
  • What is Open Pedagogy by David Wiley [New Window]

Open Publishing Platforms

Repositories, UH

Other References

  • LibreFest2020@Autumn Videos [New Window] by LibreTexts
  • McNair, T., Bensimon, E., & Malcom-Piqueux, L. (2020). From equity talk to equity walk : expanding practitioner knowledge for racial justice in higher education. Jossey-Bass.

Presentation Slides