The resources on this page include library subscription collections, databases, and online repositories. This is a selected list. Additional resources can be found on the library's A-Z Databases list.
Books will give you in-depth research, analysis, and commentary spanning decades or longer.
The e-book collections below can be searched individually. To search all collections simultaneously, go to the library's Primo Search catalog. See the Getting Started tab for Primo Search details
Over 800+ published reference works in a variety of major subjects. These include general and subject dictionaries as well as encyclopedias. Credo also has more than 200,000 images and videos.
Provides access to a vast digital archive of collections from major research libraries. More than 3 million volumes in the public domain are fully viewable. For the most complete access to HathiTrust, click on the yellow LOG IN button near the top right corner of the page and select University of Hawaii as your partner institution. You may be prompted to enter your UH username and password.
The following databases are recommended for historical research. Some of these databases are history focused, while others are multidisciplinary, with history as one of several focus areas.
The following streaming video collections include historical documentaries. Click the links provided below to search each video collection.
This streaming video collection provides access to more than 79,000 videos covering a wide range of subject areas. Alternate access link:
Provides streaming access to more than 2,100 documentaries from distributors including Bullfrog Films, Collective Eye Films, GOOD DOCS and more.
‘Ulu‘ulu: The Henry Ku‘ualoha Giugni Moving Image Archive of Hawai‘i aims to perpetuate and share the rich moving image heritage of Hawai‘i through the preservation of film and videotape related to the history and culture of Native Hawaiians and the people of Hawai‘i. Clips of archival footage are organized by themes.
The following resources can be used for research on historical topics about Hawaii.
Note: Indexes are not full-text databases. Articles will be available from the Library's Microfilm Collection. Contact the Library for assistance.
Full-text articles from 270 news sources from AK, CA, HI, ID, NV, OR, UT, and WA. Includes the Honolulu Star-Advertiser (Jun 2010-present), Honolulu Advertiser (Jan 1999-Jun 2010), Honolulu Star-Bulletin (Mar 1996-Jun 2010), and Hawaii Business (Jan 2016-present).
Note: This database replaces ProQuest News & Newspapers.
The following guides provide additional guidance and resources.