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History: Book Review Assignment (Fujita)

A guide to research on historical topics

View a list of selected print books at the Library

This Google Sheet lists suggested book titles for Prof. Fujita's book review assignment. This is a selected list. More titles can be found by using Primo Search

Note: You must still obtain Professor Fujita's approval of your book selection.

Contact the Reference Desk for assistance finding other titles.

Book Review Assignment

A guide to help find resources for Professor James Fujita's history courses. 

Professor Fujita’s courses:
  • HIST 151: World History to 1500
  • HIST 152: World History since 1500
  • HIST 281: American History I (to 1877)
  • HIST 282: American History II (after 1877)
Book selection requirements:
  • Pick any topic that falls within the time frame of the class. This includes books about people or events.
  • The book should focus on history and be nonfiction with college-level reading. It must also be a secondary source.
  • A minimum of 200 pages of the actual content is needed, not including appendices, bibliographies, glossaries, indexes, full-page maps/pictures, or notes.
  • The book may be in print or ebook format.
  • Please see Professor Fujita to approve your selection. 
Book genres to avoid:
  • Literature
  • Scripture
  • Philosophy
  • Autobiography

Please refer to your course syllabus for assignment requirements. 


Search for books and other materials in the library collection, as well as articles, e‑books, and videos from the library's research databases.

Or go directly to Primo Search for more options.

Selecting a Research Topic

Choose a topic that interests you. This is the most crucial step!

  • Start broad first, then narrow down your topic. Remember to keep it simple!

    • If your topic is too broad, you may find too much information
  • The 5Ws (Who, What, When, Where, Why) can be used to help select a research topic

    • Who: Famous or Infamous People
      • Examples:
        • HIST152- Jack the Ripper (London Serial Killer)
        • HIST282- Henry Ford (Founder of Ford Motor Company)
    • What:  Historical Events
      • Examples:
        • HIST281- The American Civil War (1861 - 1865)
        • HIST282- The Wall Street Crash of 1929
    • When: Specific Years or Time Periods
      • Examples:
        • HIST152- Japanese Edo Period (1603 - 1868) 
        • HIST151- European Crusades (1096 -1291)
    • Where: Geography or Significant Places
      • Examples:
        • HIST151- The Giza Pyramids 
        • HIST282- The Pentagon
    • Why: For what reason did this happen?
      • Examples:
        • HIST151- The religious, social, and economic issues driving the European colonization of the New World
        • HIST282- The political events leading to the start of "The Great War" (World War I)

Tip: The 5Ws relate to each other and can be used to write your paper. Start with one and complete the rest for additional research ideas.

  • Example: The Giza Pyramids
    • (Where) are they located?
    • (Who) built the pyramids?
    • (What) are the pyramids? What do they look like? What are they made out of? 
    • (When) were the pyramids built? What year were they constructed? 
    • (Why) were the pyramids built?