2022: Earth Week, Wai
Online film screening and discussion, beach cleanups, and more!
2021: Earth Week, Restore Our Earth
All online! Glass upcycling workshop, green giveaways, and DIYs!
2020: Earth Day: 50th Earth Day, Climate Change
Speakers, social media challenges, and more!
2019: Earth Month: Plants and People
GEOG Climate Talks, Rapid Ohia Death Presentation, Kuhiawaho Loi Workday, Activites & Educaitonal Tables, Plant Sale & Ohia Workshop, and more!
2018: Earth Week: A Sense of Place
April 24-25, 9am - 2pm, LC Concourse - Click HERE to view Earth Week events calendar!
2017: Earth Week: Many Cultures, One Earth
April 17-20, Learning Commons Concourse - Click HERE to view Earth Week events calendar!
Upcoming Events:
Earth Week activities & events coming SOON!
Ongoing Events:
Past Events: