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Using the Library

Loan Periods, Fines, and Fees

Loan Periods & Overdue Fines

Collection Loan Period* Overdue Fines
General Collection 28 days N/A
Hawaiʻi-Pacific Collection 14 days $0.25/day
ESL Collection
(Leeward CC Students Only)
14 days N/A
Best Sellers Collection 
(Leeward CC Students Only)
28 days $0.25/day
Media (DVD/VHS) 7 days $1/day
Laptops & Chargers 4 hours (On-campus use only) $1/hour
Headphones 3 hours $1/hour
Course Reserves 3 hours (in the Library) or 3-days $1/hour, or $10 for 3-day loans

*Loan periods for undergraduate students. See our UH System Circulation Policy for all user groups' loan periods.

Hourly fines are assessed for whole or partial hours since the due time. In other words, if a laptop is returned between one and 60 minutes late, a $1 fine will be charged; a laptop returned between 61 and 120 minutes (two hours) late will incur a $2 fine, etc. Similarly, daily fines are assessed for whole or partial days. A book with $0.25/day fine rate will incur a fine of 25¢ if returned on the day after it was due.


The library assesses fines and fees to ensure that everyone has equal access to materials and equipment.  A failure to return items by the stamped due date (books) or by the verbally stated time (laptops & equipment) will result in overdue fines.  When items are overdue for a long time, they may be declared lost and replacement and processing fees will be assessed in addition to overdue fines. Damaged items are assessed on case-by-case basis. 

Balances under $10.00

Library accounts with balances under $10.00 are still considered in good standing and borrowing privileges are available.

Library Holds

 Balances of $10.00 and above

Library accounts with balances $10.00 and over are not in good standing and borrowing privileges are blocked until a payment is received. The library also places a block on a student's account in Banner, the university's student information system, which blocks registration, graduation, and  transcript requests.  

Making Payments

Making Payments

  • Library:  Cash payments are accepted at the library's Circulation Desk
  • Additional Payment Options:
    • Telephone: Credit card payments can be taken over the phone by calling the UH-Mānoa Hamilton Library Business Office at (808) 956-7203.
    • Cashier's Office - Payments for fines and fees by cash, check, and credit card payment are accepted if the amounts are posted to a student's Banner account. See library staff for details.