Books are a great source for historical, comprehensive, and detailed information. They can help you develop a fundamental understanding of a topic.
Notice: Most print books are unavailable due to a renovation project. Unavailable books will not show up in a catalog search. E-books collections are available.
Searching these collections directly may give you different search options and results than searching through the Primo library catalog.
Our OverDrive collection has a small number of audiobooks.
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Primo searches don't include the Ulukau collection, or Kanopy or Swank videos.
Did you find a book in the catalog you want to read or borrow?
The Primo Featured Books feature has focused lists of books in: our ESL graded reader collection, Bestsellers collection, New Books display, Hawaiiana resources, and more.
Looking for a book that we don't have? Check to see if the Hawaiʻi State Public Library System has it.